Monday, February 28, 2011

Meeting 6

Make sure to let me know if you are continuing the diet phase, or are ready to go into transition (If you are finished losing for now, you are ready for transition. If you are still wanting to lose, then continue dieting)! Before you make your decision, however, be sure to read the following:  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Meeting 5

Here is the video for this weeks meeting.
(to login- username is: coxwlgroup
                  password is: weightloss
                  the video is under "albums"(Feb 16)

Please let me know how you're doing!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meeting 4

Welcome back! We are excited to tell you that we have changed formats for our weekly meetings, and it should now be easier for everyone to view them. Please let us know how it works for you!
(sign in with username: coxwlgroup
the password is: weightloss
 then go to "view albums" located on the top toolbar) 

Food Diary

Day in the diet

Day in the diet