Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As you lose weight, your medication needs will most likely change. Please watch this video to become aware of signs that it is time to talk to your doctor about your medications.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Transition and Protection

Once you have completed the Diet phase, it is time for the crucial Transition and Protection phases. Make sure you follow the instructions on the video precisely, so that your weight loss will stabilize, and therefore become more permanent.
You are so close! You can do this!

Getting Started

This video will get you started: you can follow along in your Reference Guide. Keep in touch, and let us know how we can make your weight loss goals more achievable! Thank you for choosing the Cox NaturalWeight Loss Solution.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Meeting 6

Make sure to let me know if you are continuing the diet phase, or are ready to go into transition (If you are finished losing for now, you are ready for transition. If you are still wanting to lose, then continue dieting)! Before you make your decision, however, be sure to read the following:  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Meeting 5

Here is the video for this weeks meeting.
(to login- username is: coxwlgroup
                  password is: weightloss
                  the video is under "albums"(Feb 16)

Please let me know how you're doing! coxnaturalweightloss@yahoo.com

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meeting 4

Welcome back! We are excited to tell you that we have changed formats for our weekly meetings, and it should now be easier for everyone to view them. Please let us know how it works for you!
(sign in with username: coxwlgroup
the password is: weightloss
 then go to "view albums" located on the top toolbar) 

Food Diary

Day in the diet

Day in the diet

Friday, January 28, 2011

Daily Food Log

Here is the daily food log you will need while you are on the Cox Natural Weight Loss Solution (At the bottom of the page, please include a note each week about how you're doing: if you're tired, constipated, wonderful, etc). Fax or email these each week (or, if you're in town, bring them to the meetings):

Measuring Yourself

To view a video on how to measure yourself consistently, click HERE. Please print the following form and fill it out with your current measurements.
As you continue on the Cox Natural Weight Loss Solution, we will ask you to periodically take (and send us) pictures of yourself. This is a wonderful tool to help chart your progress! Your pictures should appear as the following:
Full Back

Full Front

Face and Shoulders
Full Side

By the way, these are Neil's before pictures! Congratulations on losing well over 85 pounds and seven feet in 3 months!!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Meeting 2

Welcome back!

 To view Dr. Simeon's original manuscript, click HERE.

Daily Meal Planner (page 1)

Daily Meal Planner (page 2)

Cooking Tips for the Diet Phase

For Recipes, click here!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Meeting 1

Welcome to the Cox Natural Weight Loss Solution group page! For most of you, this is your first visit, so let me take a moment to let you know how it works. If you scroll down, you will find handouts used in this meeting. You may wish to print these before you view the videos, so you can follow me as I go over them (To print: click on the picture, and it will take you to a close-up. Then, print as normal). When you are ready, simply click on the video to watch. If you have trouble viewing them, you may need to take a moment to update your version of windows. You can follow the links on the right to our clinic's website, our Facebook page, Dr. Cox's blogspot, and another Cox Natural Weight Loss Solution blogspot. That blogspot has recipes available for each phase of the Cox Natural Weight Loss Solution. Let's get started!

 Shopping instruction handouts:

skin products to use during the diet phase

Handout #3: Hardware and Body Care

Handout #4: Foods on the Diet Phase

Additional Handout: Hair Care during the Diet Phase